In a shocking and heartbreaking development, Anil Arora, the father of Bollywood actress Malaika Arora, has reportedly committed suicide by jumping from the sixth-floor gallery of his residence. The tragic incident took place in Bandra, Mumbai, and has left the entire entertainment industry in a state of disbelief.
According to initial reports, the Bandra Police and a team from the Crime Branch have reached the scene and are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident. As of now, no suicide note has been found, leaving many questions unanswered.
Sources close to the family have mentioned that Anil Arora had been unwell for an extended period, though the exact nature of his illness remains undisclosed. The family has not yet issued an official statement, and further details are awaited as the investigation progresses.
This is an evolving story, and updates will be provided as more information becomes available. The incident has undoubtedly left a deep void in the lives of those who knew and loved Anil Arora, and our thoughts are with the Arora family during this difficult time.