Salman Khan, popularly known as Bollywood's "Bhaijaan," has endured a series of death threats from the notorious Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Among the most recent incidents was a chilling shooting outside his residence, Galaxy Apartments, in Bandra West, Mumbai, where gunshots were fired, purportedly by members of this criminal syndicate. While the actor himself escaped harm, the threats to his safety continue to mount. In a concerning turn of events, Salman Khan’s father, the celebrated screenwriter Salim Khan, has also become a target of these escalating threats.
Threat Against Salim Khan
Reports suggest that Salim Khan encountered a disturbing confrontation during his routine morning walk at the Bandstand area in Bandra. A man, accompanied by a woman veiled in a burqa, approached him on a scooter and allegedly issued a grave warning. The ominous message, "Should I send Lawrence Bishnoi?" prompted immediate concern. Following this incident, the Bandra police swiftly arrested one individual; however, the woman involved remains at large, with multiple police teams deployed to locate her.
This recent threat underscores the ongoing danger faced by Salman Khan and his family, exacerbating concerns about their security amidst the persistent shadow of the Bishnoi gang's intimidation.
The April 14 Shooting Outside Salman Khan’s Residence
Earlier this year, on April 14, the volatile situation took a dangerous turn when two unidentified individuals on a motorcycle opened fire outside Salman Khan’s Galaxy Apartments. Four shots were fired, though fortunately, no one was injured in the brazen attack. The Mumbai police, linking the assault to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, have arrested six individuals in connection with the case. Investigations remain ongoing, as the authorities seek additional information to fully unravel the motive behind this alarming event.
Allegations from the Suspects
In a surprising development, Harpal Singh, one of the suspects apprehended for his suspected involvement in the April shooting, made a significant claim while appearing before Judge B. D. Shelke. Singh, who joined the special court proceedings via video link, alleged that a jail doctor had demanded a bribe in exchange for treating his broken finger. This revelation, made during a hearing under the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA), has raised further questions about the integrity of the medical care provided in Taloja Jail, where Singh is currently being held. In response, the court instructed the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Taloja Jail to file a report and ensure that Singh receives the necessary medical attention.