Following the recent passing of Anil Mehta, the father of renowned actress Malaika Arora, the Arora family has found themselves enveloped in profound grief. In this somber period, the family has been supported by close friends and relatives, striving to navigate their sorrow together. However, the family’s attempts to cope have been overshadowed by the intrusive presence of the media, prompting actor Vijay Varma to publicly address the situation.
Varma, a close associate of Malaika Arora, has expressed his frustration over the media's disregard for the family's privacy. He took to social media to implore journalists to afford the grieving family the space they so desperately need. His impassioned plea was made on X (formerly Twitter), where he wrote: "Please allow the grieving family their privacy. This time is already hard enough for them. Media, show some grace." The post has resonated widely, garnering significant attention and support from the public. One user remarked, "Don’t expect grace from the media," while another echoed Varma’s sentiments, describing the media's conduct as "extremely insensitive."
In the wake of the passing of Anil Mehta, father of actress Malaika Arora, the Arora family has been grappling with profound grief. During this challenging time, actor Vijay Varma has publicly criticized the media for its invasive coverage of the family’s mourning.
The intrusion has been particularly distressing as reporters have amassed outside Malaika’s mother’s residence, with real-time updates about visitors circulating on social media platforms. This has further compounded the family's difficulty in managing their grief, as they have been left unable to adequately respond to the situation.
Adding to the chorus of criticism, actor Varun Dhawan also voiced his discontent, condemning the actions of the paparazzi. Dhawan took to social media to denounce the practice of photographing grieving individuals, stating, "Pointing cameras at grieving people is the height of insensitivity."
For context, Malaika Arora's father, Anil Mehta, was cremated last Thursday, a ceremony attended by numerous Bollywood celebrities. Malaika, accompanied by her son Arhaan, was present, and the event saw notable figures such as Arjun Kapoor, Arbaaz Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, and Saif Ali Khan in attendance. The public and media’s intrusion during this time of mourning has only exacerbated the family's distress, underscoring the need for sensitivity and respect in such delicate circumstances.