James Hollcroft, celebrated for his compelling performances in the television series Como Dice El Dicho, has tragically been found deceased. The actor had been reported missing since September 3, 2024, and his body has now been discovered. The news was confirmed by his sister, Jane Hollcroft, who has expressed profound grief and paid a touching tribute to her late brother.
According to Reports Jane Hollcroft revealed that her brother went missing while travelling to his residence in Tizapan, Mexico City. The precise cause of his death remains undisclosed, adding to the shock and sadness surrounding this tragic event.
Tributes from His Sister
In an emotional Instagram post, Jane Hollcroft shared several cherished photographs of her brother, reflecting on their time together. She wrote, “I will always love you. Thank you for the years we shared and the beautiful moments you gave me. You will forever remain in our hearts, little brother.” Her words capture the deep sense of loss and the enduring love she holds for her sibling.
Emotional Tributes from Family
James Hollcroft’s brother-in-law also offered a heartfelt tribute, expressing his profound sorrow. He stated, “I wish this were merely a dream. Thank you for being a wonderful brother, a beloved uncle, and a great son. We will miss you deeply; my heart is truly broken. As we close this chapter, I take solace in knowing you are in heaven, staging the grand performances you always dreamed of.”
Friend Jermaine Lopez’s Tribute
Jermaine Lopez, a close friend of Hollcroft, shared his grief on Instagram, stating, “I am profoundly saddened by your passing. Words fail to capture the depth of this loss. My heartfelt condolences to your family. May your soul find peace, dear friend.” Lopez’s tribute underscores the widespread impact of Hollcroft’s loss, resonating deeply with those who knew him.