The world was left in disbelief on Wednesday, following the tragic news of Anil Mehta's death. The stepfather of Bollywood celebrity Malaika Arora reportedly took his own life, casting a dark shadow over the family and sparking an outpouring of grief. The circumstances surrounding his passing have stirred a wave of shock and sorrow among his loved ones and the broader public.
The Unfolding of a Tragedy
Anil Mehta’s death was confirmed to have resulted from a fall from the balcony of his sixth-floor residence at Ayesha Manor, located in Bandra, Mumbai. Initial reports suggested that Mehta took his own life, and this was further corroborated by the post-mortem examination, which was conducted later that evening at 8 p.m. According to the report, the cause of death was identified as "multiple injuries." Additional details regarding the incident remain undisclosed as investigations continue, leaving many questions unanswered about what may have driven him to take such a rebel step.
The Final Call
One of the most heart-wrenching revelations came from the testimony of Mehta’s daughters. According to reports, just before the tragic incident, Anil Mehta made a phone call to both Malaika and her sister, Amrita. During the call, he expressed a haunting sentiment, telling them simply, "I'm tired." These final words, brief yet laden with despair, have left a lasting impact on those who loved him, adding a deeply personal and painful element to the tragedy.
At the time of the incident, Joyce, Mehta’s ex-wife and Malaika’s mother, was at home. She later informed the Mumbai Police that she had noticed her former husband's slippers in the living room and went to check the balcony, fearing something amiss. Upon discovering he was not there, Land leaned over the railing, only to witness a scene of chaos below, where security guards were already shouting for help. Joyce also mentioned that Anil Mehta had no major health issues except for persistent knee pain, making the sudden loss even more difficult to comprehend.
A Cloud of Speculation
In the aftermath of Anil Mehta’s tragic death, a wave of online speculation has arisen, leading to a trending hashtag, #MalaikaAroraDadCommittedSuicide. Among the circulating questions, one that has particularly captured attention pertains to the ages of both Malaika Arora and her stepfather. With Anil Mehta reported to be 62 years old and Malaika currently aged 50, some have expressed confusion, asking how their age difference could be so narrow. Social media users have been openly questioning the timeline of Malaika's relationship with her stepfather, seeking clarity on the dynamics of the family structure. While this speculation has fueled discussions, it remains crucial to approach the situation with sensitivity and respect for the family’s privacy during this profoundly difficult period.
Malaika Arora's Heartfelt Response
In the wake of her stepfather’s passing, Malaika Arora shared a deeply emotional statement on her social media platforms, revealing the profound grief the family is experiencing. In her message, she wrote:
"We are heartbroken to announce the passing of our beloved father, Anil Mehta. He was a kind soul, a devoted grandfather, a loving husband, and our closest friend. Our family is devastated by this loss, and we humbly request privacy during this time of mourning."