Playback singer and music composer Himesh Reshammiya is mourning the loss of his father, the esteemed music director Vipin Reshammiya, who passed away at the age of 87. The esteemed figure in the Indian music industry took his last breath on the evening of September 18, 2024, at 8:30 PM, after being admitted to the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai. Reports indicate that Vipin had been grappling with respiratory issues and various age-related health concerns.
A Struggle with Health
The news of Vipin Reshammiya's demise was confirmed by a close family friend, fashion designer Vanita Thapar, in a statement to the Times of India. She revealed that he had been experiencing significant difficulties with breathing. Thapar, who cherished a fatherly relationship with Vipin, reflected on their bond, stating, "I used to call him 'Papa' when he was making TV serials. Later, he became a music director, and then Himesh followed in his footsteps." This sentiment encapsulates the familial ties that intertwined personal and professional realms within the Reshammiya household.
Vipin’s last rites are set to take place on September 19 in Juhu, Mumbai. Himesh, who regarded his father as both a mentor and guiding light, is understandably devastated by this profound loss.
A Glimpse into Vipin Reshammiya's Life
Vipin Reshammiya's contributions to the Indian film industry extend beyond his familial connections. He served as a producer for notable films such as The Exposé (2014) and Tera Surroor (2016), both of which were bolstered by the presence and talents of his son, Himesh Reshammiya. Additionally, Vipin composed music for an unreleased film titled Insaaf Ka Suraj (1990), showcasing his artistic aspirations.
One of the pivotal moments in his career occurred when he was poised to collaborate with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. This impending project marked Himesh's first encounter with Khan, which would later prove to be a significant turning point for him. It was following this introduction that Himesh garnered a remarkable opportunity to serve as the music director for the 1998 film Judwaa, featuring Salman and Kajol.